Monthly Archives: January 2017

Sea Shore Hike

On Saturday 14th January the Scouts under took a Sea Shore Hike along the shore at Salthill, Galway. This day was choosen as it was as spring tide. The Scouts undertook various activities such as Transacts,  Rock Pool Investigation, Wildlife Sampling, Sand Sculpturing and Bury a Scouter.

All Set

All Set

Star Fish

Star Fish

Spot the Scouter

Spot the Scouter

A full set of photographs is available.

Air Activities

Within the Scout Section the Patrol Leaders (PLs) via the Patrol Leaders Council plan and run meetings and events based on feedback from their Patrols. Over the last few weeks the Scouts have been working on their Air Activities 1 and 2 Adventure Skills badges. Part of this badge work has involved Parachute and Kite Building.


Winning Parachute

Winning Parachute

Kite Race

Kite Race

See all of the photographs.