Tag Archives: Beavers

Beavers on the Water

As part of a Scouting Ireland initiative to get Beavers, Cubs and Scouts on the water the 19th Galway Beavers attend a Kayaking session on Sunday 19th May in Rusheen Bay. The Beavers got to go Kayaking and enjoy some time on the water. Afterwards everyone got a lovely BBQ.

Additional Photographs.

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St Patrick’s Day Parade

What a great turn out from the Beavers, Cubs and Scouts for the 2016 St Patrick’s Day Parade. Some many brilliant and exciting costumes based on the parade theme of “Rebellion”. Thank you to all the parents who helped with the costumes. A big thanks to all of the Scouts who built the camp site float over a long evening on Wednesday 16th March. Your help, enthusiasm and skill are greatly appreciated.

Due to all of your efforts the 19th Galway Athenry won one of prizes at the Parade. Well done to everyone involved.

Thank you SIP Energy for allowing us to borrow your truck for the parade.

The photographs below are just a snapshot of the day. There is a full set available.


Quad pod

Quad pod

First Tripod

First Tripod

Fire construction

Fire construction

Fire construction

Fire construction

First Tripod

First Tripod

Quad pod

Quad pod

Nearly there

Nearly there

Free time?

Free time?

Flag Party

Flag Party

All those in the Parade

All those in the Parade

Reading the Proclamation of Independence

Reading the Proclamation of Independence


Beaver Bulb Planting

On Saturday January 23rd the 19th Galway Athenry Beavers, Scouts and Friends in conjunction  with the Athenry Tidy Town committee worked very hard in planting over 500 flowering bulbs along the roads entering the town.

During the day the Beavers learned all about the aims of the Athenry Tidy Town Committe, the very hard work they perform and how they are working very hard in changing Athenry for the better for all the people that live in Athenry and visit our town. The Beavers had a great time meeting the Tidy Town Committee learning their names and having some fun. Full set of photographs.

A big thank you to Woodies, Wellpark, Galway for supplying the bulbs.

Bulb Planting

Bulb Planting

Beavers, Cubs and Scouts Orienteering, Esker, Athenry

A big thank you to the Western Eagles Galway for allowing the 19th Galway Beavers, Cubs and Scouts to attend todays Orienteering Event in Esker, Athenry. Everyone had a great time on what turned out to be a nice autumnal morning. The Beavers managed to finish the course before the Scouts although the Beaver leaders needed a sit down afterwards!

See some of the photographs.




Photo Bomb

New Scouting Year

A big welcome back to all of the Beavers, Cubs and Scouts who had their first meeting on Tuesday 8th September.  Hello and welcome to all of the new Beavers and Cubs who also started on Tuesday 8th September.


The Beavers/Cubs/Scouts are busy planning weekly meetings, events and activities for the next scouting year. As they finalise their plans, details will be made available.

Don’t forget that our AGM is on Tuesday 22nd September in the Presentation Hall, Athenry.

Looking forward to seeing all Parents.